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Into Film

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(based on 282 reviews)

Into Film is an education organisation providing a unified UK-wide offer for learning through and about film. It is supported by the British Film Institute (BFI) through Lottery funding and its programme includes delivery of the BFI 5-19 education scheme. Into Film's resources range from film discussion guides, to curriculum linked worksheets, lesson plans and presentations. Our resources are tailored to fit the curriculum criteria of each nation, supporting learning outcomes.




Into Film is an education organisation providing a unified UK-wide offer for learning through and about film. It is supported by the British Film Institute (BFI) through Lottery funding and its programme includes delivery of the BFI 5-19 education scheme. Into Film's resources range from film discussion guides, to curriculum linked worksheets, lesson plans and presentations. Our resources are tailored to fit the curriculum criteria of each nation, supporting learning outcomes.
Film As Art, Art on Film

Film As Art, Art on Film

In view of the Turner Prize being held in Glasgow in 2015, this resource has been created to help students explore art in film and filmmaking as art. It celebrates the Turner Prize by encouraging young people to explore contemporary artists, offering stimulus for young people’s creation of art using film, animation and video installations. The activities and frameworks provide a springboard for young people to develop their own self-expression through their artwork, including the production of their own experimental film, with opportunities for students to record their responses throughout. Related content can be found here www.intofilm.org/film-as-art To start your free Into Film club visit www.intofilm.org/clubs Did you find this resource useful? Leaving a star rating will help other teachers to find it.
Christmas on Film activities

Christmas on Film activities

This fun and festive resource comprises of arts, crafts and filmmaking activities based on popular seasonal films. The activities include a selection of warm-up games with a Christmas theme, creating a soundtrack for the archive film Santa Claus, designing new present delivery system to help Arthur Christmas and staging your own snowman dance party inspire by Raymond briggs' The Snowman. Download the Teachers' notes PDF and PowerPoint with embedded clips from the films and set up a club in order to obtain the DVDs for free from www.intofilm.org/clubs.
Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse: Film Guide

Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse: Film Guide

A film guide that looks at Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2019), exploring its key topics and themes through informal discussion. This film is now free to stream on Into Film+ https://www.intofilm.org/films/19347
Into Film Storymaker: The Gruffalo Edition

Into Film Storymaker: The Gruffalo Edition

The Into Film Storymaker: The Gruffalo Edition is a literacy-focused app which supports storytelling in lower primary school settings. It features key scenes from The Gruffalo film and is supported by an extensive cross-curricular teaching resource. Pupils are able to record their own voices using existing or new narrative and dialogue, and choose a suitable soundtrack and sound effects. Download the teachers' notes, supporting PowerPoint presentation and curriculum links, then head to www.intofilm.org/gruffalo-storymaker for information about how to download the app. To start your free Into Film club visit www.intofilm.org/clubs Did you find this resource useful? Leaving a star rating will help other teachers to find it.
Scotland on Film/ Alba air an SgaIlean

Scotland on Film/ Alba air an SgaIlean

A resource produced in partnership with Education Scotland, Scottish Book Trust and LGBT Youth Scotland. The activities in this resource are designed to encourage educators and young people to explore Scotland through film, focusing specifically on two central themes: Language and Identity. From classic cinema through to modern day representations of Scotland on film, the resource touches on history, myth, and culture. It also uses film with accompanying Scots language texts, encouraging learners to explore the language in historical and modern contexts. The sections on identity cover many aspects of what it can mean to be Scottish from personal identity, including LGBT, to rural and city living. Not yet Into Film? Find out more about our free Into Film Clubs at www.intofilm.org/clubs Goireas air a riochdachadh ann an compàirteachas le Foghlam Alba, Urras Leabhraichean na h-Alba agus Òigridh LGDT na h-Alba. Tha na gnìomhan sa ghoireas seo air an dealbhadh gus luchd-teagasig agus òigridh a bhrosnachadh Alba a rannsachadh tro fhilm, ag amharc gu sònraichte air dà phrìomh theama: Cànan agus Fèin-aithne. O hfilmichean clasaigeach gu riochdan na h-Alba là an-diugh air an sgàilean, tha an goireas a' buntainn ri eachdraidh, ùrsgeul agus cultar. Tha e cuideachd a' cleachdadh film an cois theacsaichean sa Bheurla Ghallta, a' brosnachadh luchd-ionnsachaidh a bhith a' rannsachadh a' chànain ann an coitheacsan sean is ùra. Tha na h-earrannan mu fhèin-aithne a' deiligeadh ri iomadh feartan a tha e a' ciallachadh a bhith nad Albannach, a' toirt a-steach dòighean beatha LGDT, dùthchail agus anns a' bhaile mhòr. Tha Shorts 2016 - an cruinneachadh de dh'fhilmichean goirid le Comhairle Bhreatainn, le Take Your Partners ann, ri fhaotainn air iasad o stòras Into Film. Ma dh'fheumas tu e, cuir fios gu Jo Spence Co-ordanaiche na h-Alba aig jo.spence@intofilm.org Did you find this resource useful? If so, please leave a star rating to help other teachers to find it.
Into Film Festival Strand Resource: Love

Into Film Festival Strand Resource: Love

This resource enables teachers to use films as case studies to develop emotional literacy and empathy skills, whilst challenging young people creatively through a wide range of literacy and filmmaking activities. The Into Film Festival takes place between 4-20 November 2015. There are free screenings and events at over 520 venues across the UK. To book and find out more visit www.intofilm.org/festival
Spotlight on Dance

Spotlight on Dance

This resource is for AQA GCSE and A level Dance/Expressive Arts students. The resource contains a Student Pack to support students to prepare, plan and record their final presentation, and for A level students to engage in critical analysis and appreciation of the Set Work. The guide provides easy-to-use planning tools and suggested stimulus film content to inspire and enable students to fulfil the specification requirements. Not yet Into Film? Start your free Into Film Club at www.intofilm.org/clubs
Into Archive Film: Past Present Future

Into Archive Film: Past Present Future

This resource is designed to support educators to explore and work with a wide range of archive film, including films made before 1929, historic and contemporary documentary and newsreel film and films made by children and young people. In this resource there are a selection of activities to support active film watching and responding to archive film through filmmaking, split into the five broad topic areas of; community, filmmaking, storytelling, historical events and then and now: technology, fashion, architecture and our daily lives. The resource includes some suggested archive film titles available from the Into Film catalogue and BFI Britain on Film, and curriculum areas that these films could support. For more ideas and support on working with archive film visit www.intofilm.org/into-archive Not yet Into Film? Start your free Into Film Club at www.intofilm.org/clubs Did you find this resource useful? If so, leave a star rating to help other teachers to find it.
Into Film Festival Strand Resource: Against All Odds

Into Film Festival Strand Resource: Against All Odds

This resource offers activities to help embed film watching and filmmaking in educational practice to promote achievement by all. The resource includes activity outlines for an inspiring, inclusive film-focused project as well as further information on using film across the curriculum. The Into Film Festival takes place between 4-20 November 2015. There are free screenings and events at over 520 venues across the UK. To book and find out more visit www.intofilm.org/festival